Friday, April 29, 2011


50 days!!

I'm so excited. I turned in my questionnaire of self with lots of gory details about who I am so they can pair me with my teammate(s). Working on the visa application. Completed save for the stupid photos. Now if only my landlord would call me back to let me know if I have a place to live once I get back, that'd be great...

April is not even over yet, but HE has made good on his promises to provide! Just as he said he would. I don't want to quote anything until the transactions have come through, but...I am amazed at his faithfulness and his sufficiency. I knew he would come through for me, but this...I never thought it would be like this. Oh man, I'm going to Russia!!

Though I do have to comment: Out of all the places in the world, and out of all the random languages I know, I couldn't be sent to France? I can carry on a decent conversation en francais. en francais, нет росскй. *sigh* It'll be fun though. Another language! Wee!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's Nearly Official!

I just booked my flight to LA for training! One step closer to reality! =D