Thursday, August 4, 2011

Aand we're back

I have a lot of updating to do, but for now, I will say that I have safely arrived back home to Michigan. I'm staying at a friend's house while she and her husband are on vacation (and it so happens that my friend's husband is the associate pastor, which means I am staying in the parsonage. Heh.). I will meet with my potential roommate this weekend and hopefully find an apartment with her within the next week. The silence is awkward, since I'm used to music playing at camp for about 10 hours per day, and not having teammates around is odd. But it's nice. I'll be spending the next day or so doing some mental readjustments and some processing. I won't be calling anyone for those long 'How was Russia?!?!" conversations anytime soon, and I'm not posting on facebook yet either. It's going to take some time to readjust. So for now, I'm just letting people know that I'm home and that it was a good experience, though not what I was expecting. I'm going to go get dressed (after sleeping for 12 hours) and go grocery shopping! In my car! o.o

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